Tooth Whitening

Whitening your teeth can effectively lighten their natural color without removing any surface enamel. While it may not completely change the shade, it can noticeably brighten your smile.

There are several benefits to whitening your teeth. Firstly, like skin or hair color, tooth color varies from person to person. As people age, tooth discoloration is common, and perfectly white teeth are rare.

Staining from beverages like tea, coffee, red wine, and foods like blackcurrants can darken teeth. Smoking is also known to stain teeth. Additionally, changes in tooth color can occur due to calculus (tartar) buildup or from certain antibiotics. Even tiny cracks in teeth can trap stains, affecting their appearance.

Overall, teeth whitening can enhance your smile's brightness and your overall appearance, boosting confidence and self-esteem. It's a non-invasive way to refresh your smile and combat the effects of aging and staining from dietary habits and lifestyle choices.
