The tooth in a Day Implant Facility

The revolutionary Teeth-In-A-Day technique offers a remarkable opportunity to rejuvenate your smile in a single visit, regardless of previous concerns about bone loss that may have ruled out traditional dental implant candidacy.

This procedure, refined over three decades, facilitates comprehensive mouth reconstruction for patients with complete tooth loss (edentulous). It involves the strategic placement of four or more titanium implants to support temporary teeth, which can be either fixed or removable. These implants serve as a secure foundation for a fixed bridge, meticulously designed to closely resemble the natural appearance of teeth.

Beyond the aesthetic benefits, this technique plays a pivotal role in stabilizing bone loss, thereby safeguarding overall oral health. By addressing bone loss and restoring functionality and aesthetics in one efficient session, Teeth-In-A-Day offers a transformative solution for individuals seeking a swift and effective smile restoration option.
